Climate transition planning: the Swiss army knife of stakeholder engagement
Join us as we explore some of the ways communicating climate transition plans can help businesses connect the dots to their wider ecosystems to support stakeholder buy-in, drive collective action, and create new opportunities for narrative storytelling.
Tackling external dependencies - the key to credible climate transition planning?
Articulating the external factors that must be true for your climate transition plan to be successful – and how you can address them - is increasingly seen as a key component of a credible climate transition plan. Join us as we explore how to define, address and articulate your transition plan dependencies.
What now? Reflecting on the Omnibus
This will be an open discussion with practitioners to hear thoughts on the simplification announcements and immediate responses. Hear views from SB+CO as well as a range of businesses as we discuss the implications of the EU’s Omnibus Simplification package.
Why climate transition plans are everywhere – and how to create yours with confidence
In this virtual session, we’ll explore why transition planning is moving to the top of many businesses’ to-do lists, and what the process of creating a transition plan could actually look like at your company.
Guardrails for Sustainability Communications
In this virtual session we’ll explore how to navigate increasing regulatory and NGO scrutiny of sustainability claims while still engaging stakeholders with creative and credible communications. Join us on 7th November.
How CSRD is changing the face of sustainability reporting as we know it
Could Sustainability Reporting be Dead? How CSRD is changing the face of sustainability reporting as we know it. Join our webinar on 11 September.
CSRD SOS: An urgent call to action from CSOs and practitioners
We’ve heard a wide range of opinions and approaches to CSRD preparation, but there was clear consensus on the challenges being faced by all companies going through this process. Join our webinar on 17th April 2024 to discuss the realities of CSRD with your fellow practitioners.